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6 Ways to Improve Male Fertility

Healthy sperm count plays a pivotal role in ensuring a successful pregnancy. It reflects both the quality and quantity of sperm. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an optimal sperm count ranges from 15 million sperm per millilitre (ml) to 39 million sperm per ejaculation. Anything below this threshold may lead to fertility issues.

Based on these findings, men must take charge of their reproductive health. A male fertility clinic in Toronto offers expert guidance and support on the path to parenthood. 

Although infertility is not always treatable, proactive measures can improve your chances of successful conception. Whether you're considering having children now or later, keeping your sperm healthy depends on your lifestyle choices. Finish reading the article to learn what helps with men’s fertility.

Understanding Male Infertility

Fertility, the ability to conceive without medical assistance, is a fundamental aspect of human life. It shapes parenthood dreams for countless individuals and couples like you. But how common is male infertility? One out of every 6 couples faces challenges when trying to conceive. Infertility is primarily male-related in around one-third of cases, highlighting the importance of addressing male reproductive health to boost conception rates.

Various factors contribute to male infertility:

  • Libido and sexual function - Keeping a healthy sexual desire, commonly known as libido, is crucial for engaging in satisfying sexual experiences. Specific foods and supplements are believed to contribute to heightened libido. However, nurturing a strong sexual appetite remains pivotal in supporting the potential for successful conception.

  • Erectile dysfunction - Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction surfaces when a man encounters challenges in achieving or sustaining an erection during sexual activity.

  • Sperm motility - This term indicates the proportion of actively mobile sperm cells within a semen sample. Sperm motility is essential for enabling sperm to effectively travel and reach the egg for successful fertilization.

  • Testosterone levels - In certain cases, low levels of testosterone can impact male fertility. This hormone plays a pivotal role in sperm production and overall reproductive health, making it a key factor to consider when addressing infertility concerns.

Besides consulting with a fertility doctor with experience with testing males and diagnosing and treating male fertility issues, remember that a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet can influence a man's reproductive health. Dietary choices should be based on an informed knowledge of certain foods and nutrients associated with greater fertility benefits.

6 Ways to Increase Sperm Count

Here are some methods to boost sperm count:

1. Limit alcohol consumption

Excessive drinking can impact male and female fertility. Men regularly exceeding the recommended limit of 14 units per week may experience decreased sex interest, reduced testosterone levels, and decreased sperm quality and quantity.

If you and your partner are actively trying to conceive, it is safest for women to avoid alcohol entirely. Many supportive partners choose to join the journey by cutting down or refraining from alcohol during conception and beyond.

2. Quit smoking

It's important to know that smoking can negatively impact the quality and quantity of your sperm, especially if you’re a smoker. Smoking can even have an impact on the movement of sperm and can lead to challenges such as impotence. Opting for a smoke-free lifestyle not only enhances your prospects of achieving successful conception but also plays a role in shaping a healthier future for your family.

3. Be mindful of prescription medications

Certain prescription medications can temporarily affect the production and development of sperm. Some medications include antibiotics, anti-androgens, opiates, antidepressants, and anabolic steroids. It is recommended to initiate a discussion with a healthcare expert, particularly within the specialized environment of a male fertility clinic. This way, you’ll be able to understand the potential effects of the medications you're taking. Your healthcare provider can assist you in exploring alternative options that align with your reproductive health objectives.

4. Maintain a healthy weight

Aiming for a healthy weight by embracing a well-rounded exercise regimen and a nourishing diet can support successful conception. Additionally, shedding any excess weight doesn't solely enhance your journey toward parenthood but also contributes to improved overall well-being.

If you have concerns about how your weight might influence your pregnancy plans, engaging in a discussion with a healthcare provider is a recommended step. They can provide guidance and even offer safe and effective weight loss solutions.

5. Manage stress

Chronic stress can lead to increased cortisol production, which in turn lowers testosterone levels, affecting both your sex drive and fertility. While severe anxiety may require medical intervention, several relaxation techniques can help manage mild stress. Engaging in activities like taking a leisurely walk in nature, practicing meditation, regular exercise, or spending quality time with loved ones can effectively alleviate stress.

6. Choose fertility-friendly lubricants

While further research is needed to fully understand the effects of lubricants on reproductive health, it's advisable to avoid traditional lubricants. Instead, consider using fertility-conscious alternatives like mineral oil, canola oil, mustard oil, or specialized products like Pre-Seed. These options can help minimize potential harm to sperm motility and overall fertility.

For an increased chance of successful conception, seeking guidance from a dedicated fertility clinic for men is valuable.

While implementing these tips can improve male fertility, getting male fertility tests in Ontario and seeking professional guidance will offer you tailored advice and expert perspectives to guide your decisions as you move toward parenthood.

Traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine has accumulated rich clinical experience in treating male sexual dysfunction, prostate disease, and Oligo/Asthenozoospermia.

According to the overall concept of traditional Chinese medicine and the theory of Jing, Qi and Shen, it is believed that Jing is the material basis for erection, Qi is the driving force for erection, and Shen is the initiating factor for erection. It is emphasized that this disease is a local manifestation of the overall imbalance of the body. Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine tonify (cleanse) the kidneys and essence and are implemented throughout TCM treatment. At the same time, the liver and kidneys are treated together to regulate the mind, treat erectile dysfunction, and promote the recovery of sexual function.

For male infertility, nourishing the kidneys, strengthening the spleen, or promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis through syndrome differentiation can significantly improve the density and activity rate of sperm and increase the pregnancy rate.

If you're looking for effective and safe alternative approaches to boosting your fertility, consider acupuncture Toronto fertility services offered by Total Wellness Centre. With over 30 years of experience in fertility acupuncture in Toronto, we are proud to share our remarkable 65% success rate in helping patients become parents.

Our methods, rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, are designed to enhance your body's natural fertility potential and support a healthy pregnancy. Reach out to us at 416-532-9094 or book an appointment online.