Women's Aging Starts From the Reproductive System

Many women spend a lot of money on skin care in order to keep their youthful appearance. In fact, the source of aging is in the reproductive system. The reproductive system oversees women's hormone levels, and when estrogen levels slowly decline with age, the symptoms of aging will begin to appear. Therefore, anti-aging needs to start with caring for the reproductive system.

Reproductive health: The Foundation of Women's Health

If there is a problem with reproductive health, there will be problems with the face. The two are closely related. The female reproductive system is not only the birthplace of life, but also an important place for sexual life, and it is also the production workshop of estrogen, the beauty hormone of women. Its health can be said to be directly related to the beauty, youth and health of women.

Reproductive health is not only the absence of diseases and disorders in the reproductive process, but also a state of physical, psychological and social integrity in which the reproductive process is completed.

The Ovary: The Factory That Makes Beauty 

The ovary can produce estrogen, which makes the facial skin of a woman delicate and smooth, rosy in color, and permanently resilient and elastic.

The ovary is one of the important endocrine glands in women, and its main function is to secrete female hormones and produce eggs.

For example, after a woman matures, she secretes estrogen and progesterone, and under its influence, menstruation comes. At the same time, estrogen can promote the development and maintenance of female reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics. It can be said that women can radiate youthful vitality, and the role of ovaries is indispensable.

However, after a woman reaches middle age, the ovarian function begins to decline. At this time, the number of ovulations decreases, the level of hormone secretion decreases, and even menstruation stops.

The ovary is the factory that produces estrogen, which is a woman's beauty hormone and youth hormone, making women have soft skin, beautiful hair and a vibrant body.

After a woman becomes an adult, her ovarian function will gradually decline with age, and eventually stop secreting estrogen. This has brought a lot of trouble to women, and there will be a series of physiological changes and diseases unique to women. Such as irregular menstruation, abnormal menstrual flow, facial flushing and a series of symptoms.

Once the ovaries age and the secretion of estrogen is disordered, women's health will also encounter various problems.

Women's Anti-Aging Starts With Maintaining the Reproductive System

  • Avoid premature ovarian failure and maintain optimism

Stress affects sequential regulatory control of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, study finds.

Therefore, a person is in a relaxed and happy mood, conducive to hormone secretion. Estrogen can promote the development and maintenance of female reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics. It can be said that women can radiate youthful vitality, and the role of ovaries is indispensable.

  • Avoid premature ovarian failure with a healthy life

Enhancing the awareness of health care, changing bad living habits, and establishing a civilized and scientific lifestyle will have a good maintenance effect on the ovaries.

First, pay attention to nutritional balance in terms of diet.

In addition to fat and sugar should be appropriate, while paying special attention to the supplement of vitamin E, D and minerals such as iron and calcium. 

Second, exercise should be properly strengthened.

Exercise is beneficial to promote metabolism and blood circulation, and delay organ aging. Exercise should be done according to one's ability, perseverance, and step by step, such as jogging, walking, radio exercises, and Tai Chi are more suitable exercises.

Third, maintain a harmonious sex life.

It can enhance confidence in life, be happy, eliminate loneliness, relieve psychological pressure, and improve human immune function.

Next time, we will talk about the role of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in female reproductive health and anti-aging.

For more information regarding reproductive health or fertility acupuncture, call Total Wellness Centre at 416-532-9094.

Jonah Arnold