Twenty-Four Solar Terms & TCM – How You Can Manage Your Health Better All Year

On the evening of February 4th, the Grand Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics was held at the National Stadium! The ceremony introduced the twenty-four solar terms as part of the prelude to the games, starting from "Rainwater" and counting down all the way to "Beginning of Spring".  Perhaps deliberately, February 4 was, in fact, also the beginning of Spring of the new year in China. But these opening ceremonies and their deep traditional symbolism may have left non-Chinese people confused. What exactly are the twenty-four solar terms and what do they have to do with anything?

On February 4th, the Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics introduced the “Twenty-Four Solar” terms to the whole world, perhaps for the first time. But, admittedly, the ceremony did little to explain the terms and how they connect to the games.

Twenty-four solar terms refers to a calendar system and social practice developed by ancient Chinese people who observed the annual movement of the sun. They recognized the changing laws of seasons, climate, phenology (which is the study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena, especially in relation to climate and plant and animal life), and other aspects of the year.

Originally, by documenting the law of climate changes and season transitions, the twenty-four-solar term system was a great reference for agricultural activities. As the system developed, the solar terms have been more closely and more widely integrated into the fields of cultural customs, diet, and the Traditional Chinese Medicine.

TCM principles state that humans should always be in harmony with heaven and the earth, by responding to their changes and flows. (《内经》:天人合一) Traditional Chinese Medicine used for treating diseases and sustaining health is routed in these principles. Born in between the heaven and earth, during a lifetime, infirmity, sickness and death are all inevitably affected by the changes of heaven and earth (seasonal and other changes). Therefore, we must conform to the seasonal and climate changes to preserve health and longevity.

As far as the twenty-four solar terms are concerned, the Winter Solstice(冬至) reaches the extreme of Ying and thus the Yang is born; the Summer Solstice(夏至) reaches the extreme of Yang and thus the Yin is born. The Spring Equinox(春分) and the Autumn Equinox(秋分) split Yin and Yang equally.

In comparison to all other solar terms, these two solstices, two equinoxes and four beginnings are major times that bridge all the change of heaven and earth. During these times it is especially important to pay attention to nurture your QI(气) in order to avoid the negative feedback due to abrupt seasonal changes. This helps to prepare your body to change more swiftly. By responding to the changes brought by heaven and the earth, you will preserve your energy and QI and optimize your state of health. If you completely ignore the changes brought by the-twenty-four solar system over the course of four seasons you may overconsume your Qi in your kidney. This may lead you to be vulnerable to various diseases resulting from a lack of available Qi. 

The main principle of Chinese health preservation is "disease prevention". 

Naturally, there are many foods that can help boost your immune system by adjusting your Yin Yang and Qi. TCM refers to this as a “Solar Terms Regime. 

Some food recommendation in different solar terms:

Start of Spring (LiChun立春)(Feb 4, 2022):

At the beginning of spring—a time of rebirth and revival. Springtime is associated with "wood" in the Chinese Five Elements theory, suggests our body will experience a new phase of "growth". We should nourish our Yang energy.

“Wood” also represents our liver—an organ which governs the overall Qi energy. During the spring, dates, spinach, onions, soybean products, radishes, pickles, and sour citrus fruits are recommended. You should avoid eating overly-seasoned foods to detoxify the liver for a smoother flow of Qi.

Great/Major Heat (DaShu大暑) (July 23, 2022): 

The 12th solar term of the year indicates the start of the hottest season of the year in most areas . Mizao/Jiuzao(米糟/酒糟), a fermented rice that is often cooked with brown sugar, eggs and dates can help to promote the body's vital energy.

Start of Autumn (LiQiu立秋) (August 7, 2022): 

The 13th solar term of the year implies the summer's end and the autumn's start. According to traditional Chinese medicine, eggplant can detoxify the body and cool down the body's temperature at the beginning of autumn.

 Cold Dew (HanLu寒露) (Oct 8th, 2022): 

As the 17th solar term of the year, marks the beginning of a colder time. This period will see greater and colder dew, less rain and ripe autumn crops. Foods like sesame and pomegranates can prevent the body from being hurt by the dryness of the autumn.

We look forward to seeing you and providing the highest level of care we have always strived to achieve.  

Total Wellness Staff